COURSE 4 - schools


The EQlibrium programmes provides educators, coaches, administrators and parents with powerful, research-based tools and training to integrate social and emotional learning in their schools. The learnable measurable skills of Emotional intelligence promote:

  • Improved academic achievement

  • Supportive classroom environment

  • Stronger relationships, and

  • Healthier decisions

Emotional intelligence begins to develop in the earliest years. All the small exchanges children have with their parents, teachers and each other carry emotional messages.
— Daniel Goleman


Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening


Across South Africa

Emotional intelligence is the capacity of blending thinking and feeling to make optimal decisions which is key to having a successful relationship with yourself and others.

  • EQ development – equips and empowers teachers as change makers to measurably deepen their own EQ skills and those of their students.

  • Extend EQ- integrate these skills into the classroom.

  • EQ for school – guide schools to create a holistic environment where school community feel connected and thrive.