COURSE 2 - youth
Is your teen prepared for his/her future
Does he/she have the tools to cope with a fast changing world
Emotional intelligence is fast become the main assessment area for companies when recruiting
Unlike IQ which is fixed, EQ is learnable, measurable and effective. Practicing EQ provides a good foundations these success factors: Good health; Quality relationships; Life satisfaction; Personal achievement; Self-efficacy.
“EQ is twice as important as other competencies in determining success and leadership. Adolescence is a period of defining identity, a struggle between dependency needs and autonomous independence strivings.”
Monday – Saturday
Morning, Afternoon or Evening
Across South Africa
EQlibrium will provide a self-assessment SEI YV report and graphical display and description of the individuals EQ and perception of performance in life.
Give your youth the opportunity of becoming more aware of themselves, more intentional in their choices in order to live a purposeful life. A fun interactive workshop that can be conducted one-on-one or within a group.